

White Belt – Black Tabs

black tabs


When being assessed for Black Tabs at the Howick & St Heliers Judo Club the following criteria will need to be demonstrated.

This is the first Judo grading level that a Judo Player will encounter. What is at stake are four black tabs. The list that follows states what will be assessed by the sensei. Depending on how much is demonstrated correctly by the Judo Player, will translate to the number of black tabs that are awarded.

It is important to note the as a Judo Player progresses through the grading levels they are expected to be able to demonstrate, at each higher skill level, all the technigues required for grades attained earlier.

To obtain this grade at the Howick and St Heliers Judo Club the student will be expected to demonstrate or regularly show:

General Requirements

1. Regular practice and attendance (minimum 10 weeks)

Judo Knowledge
1. Basic Judo etiquette
2. Basic Judo hygiene
3. Purpose of breakfalls (Ukemi)
4. Correct forms of sitting, standing and kneeling
5. Basic fundamentals of gripping positions, breaking balance, and throwing
6. Counting:

1 – Ichi
2 – Ni
3 – San
4 – Shi
5 – Go
6 – Roku
7 – Shichi
8 – Hachi
9 – Ku
10 – Ju

Ukemi-Waza Falling Techniques
1 Forward Roll
2 Yoko Ukemi (Migi/Hidari) Side Breakfall (Right/Left)
3 Koho Ukemi Backward Breakfall


Yoko Ukemi                                                                                           

yoko ukemi



Nage-Waza Throwing Techniques
1 O-Goshi Major hip Throw
2 Tai Otoshi Body Drop
3 O Soto Gari Major Outer Reaping

To see an animation of the throws listed above check out the Judo Information Site (judoinfo.com) by clicking here. Select the throw from the list to see the animation.

Osae-Waza Pinning Techniques
1 Kesa Gatame Scarf Hold
2 Kata Gatame Sholder Hold

Kesa Gatame                                                                   Kata Gatame

hon_kesa_gatame                                kata_gatame